I love shooting photos, it's a huge passion. And a lot of what i do is freelancing and that's fine, it allows me to go where i want and shoot what i love. Mainly, i try to capture images for patagonia as i love working with them. I see something cool, get an idea, or whatever, shoot it, and hope they like it. Most of the time it works out just fine, but sometimes it doesn't. Below is a recent example from the latest patagonia catalog. The in-house man, Tim Davis, who by the way is doing an awesome job and really coming into his own as a photographer (his images are great and he has really progressed over the last few years), anyways, he shoot 5-6 'grassroots' business'y type people. The images turned out really well and all have the same feel and flow which is important for a piece like this and is just fine.

But the downer is - I lose. I got inspired last summer up in Squampton when i stopped by friend Sonnie's shop and thought i captured the perfect 'patagoniac' image. Now it's killed. Oh well, good thing i shoot ALOT and that Tim is a super nice guy and that i don't have to break his knee caps... :)

@ the second generation shop
I notice a litigious similarity between two of those images.